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English Program in MTs N 1 Puncu, Pare - Kediri: Strength and Weakness

"Pendidikan karakter dapat didefinisikan sebagai segala usaha yang dapat dilakukan untuk mempengaruhi karakter siswa. Lickona menyatakan bahwa pengertian pendidikan karakter adalah suatu usaha yang disengaja untuk membantu seseorang sehingga ia dapat memahami, memperhatikan, dan melakukan nilai-nilai etika yang inti. Sedangkan menurut Suyanto (2009) Karakter didefinisikan sebagai cara berpikir dan berperilaku yang menjadi ciri khas tiap individu untuk hidup dan bekerja sama, baik dalam lingkup keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa, maupun  negara. Karakter adalah ciri khas yang dimiliki oleh suatu benda atau individu. Ciri khas tersebut adalah asli dan mengakar pada kepribadian benda atau individu tersebut, serta merupakan “mesin” yang mendorong bagaimana seorang bertindak, bersikap, berucap, dan merespon sesuatu (Kertajaya, 2010).
Ada 18 butir nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yaitu Religius, Jujur, Toleransi, Disiplin, Kerja Keras, Kreatif, Mandiri, Demokratis, Rasa Ingin Tahu, Semangat Kebangsaan, Cinta tanah air, Menghargai prestasi, Bersahabat/komunikatif,Cinta Damai, Gemar membaca, Peduli lingkungan, Peduli social, Tanggung jawab. Lebih jelasnya lihat dibawah ini.
18 Nilai Pendidikan Karakter
Dengan kata lain, Pendidikan karakter dapat diartikan sebagai the deliberate us of all dimensions of school life to foster optimal character development (usaha kita secara sengaja dari seluruh dimensi kehidupan sekolah/madrasah untuk membantu pembentukan karakter secara optimal.
Read the overview above carefully. I hope, you understand what will I share below. Yea. Pendidikan Karakter or Character Building. Last 5 hours ago, I have taught English Subject to the students at MTs N 1 Puncu especially for second grade (8-D). I was as the Tutor accompanied with one English Course at Pare did the teaching and learning process for giving additional time to understand English (English Course/Kursus Bahasa Inggris). I have made some notes about that school. Here, My focuses were the strength and weakness of the students to follow the lesson. So, let's discuss about this condition.

Notes during the Lesson
I have joined this class at 2.00 p.m. I have joined to the second grade students. The class was 8-D. But, the school has made the little change to this class become F-Grup. First, I felt so strange to this school because this was my first time joining to this program. When I was in that school, I felt so happy because this was one of the Islamic school. So, in my opinion, I thought that most of students were very religiously.

Yea, that's right. When I have joined to this class, I saw most of students were using veil and polite dress. I have made simple conclusion that the students were also very polite to the tutor or other educators. Unfortunately:
  1. Most of students were not respect to the new tutor.
  2. Most of students were not polite to the tutor.
  3. Most of students were using impolite expression. In Indonesian means Celometan when the tutor explained the material. They interrupted the tutor every time. For instance, some students thought that the explanation was for joking. They did not have Sopan Santun.
  4. One student played guitar in the classroom during the lesson.
  5. Almost the students were afraid to speak English.
  6. Almost the students were passive
Besides I have made some weaknesses of the students, I have also made some notes to the process of teaching and learning that may be become the weakness or the strength of this class/program/school.
  1. The tutor came on time.
  2. The teaching and learning process was started and finished on time.
  3. Most of tutors were kinds of person, easy going, smart, and etc.
  4. The schedule was arranged systematically.
  5. Some students were unconsciously come forward to perform their task. The task is about "Meet with Foreigners".
See these pictures when the students performed their task in front of the class.

meet with foreigners

Notes:1. What do you think about that pictures?2. Can you give us your opinion?3. Do you have another way to make our students confidence in front of the class?
  • The tutor (me) was so seriously. The tutor needs to improve their ability to make the teaching and learning more have fun.
  • The method used did not run well because the students have joined this class at the afternoon class. They felt tired
  • The characters of the students were strongly different each others.
  • The classroom was so hot.
  • The tutors need handbook or module
  • The students lack of the English knowledge
  • The students less of motivation
  • During to do the performance students were still cheating
Based on that analysis, I suggested that when the students were studying to follow the lesson they must on healthy and fun condition. There are so many students lack of motivation to learn.

And the other suggestion are:
  • Character building must be upgraded
  • Parents' control must be improved
  • English teacher must improve their ability time by time.
  • Educators (teacher or tutor) have to choose the best approach.
  • Using simple and fun method to teach young learners.
  • Do not be afraid to speak English.
  • Changing the habitual action in the classroom.
  • Classroom management should be increased.
Those are my point of views on that situation. Hopefully, there is no one side feel uncomfort with my opinion. This is just sharing for the better education in Indonesia. Thanks
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